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Ideas, Advice, Celebrating Wins, and sometimes just randomness because life is like that.
Mindset for the Grant Process
Preparing yourself to apply for funding may sound crazy, you know you need more money. What else do you have to decide? But if you want to beat the overwhelm that so often comes with the grant funding process, getting your head in the game helps. Luckily, I've made a...
Get the Nonprofit Education You Need
If you are new to nonprofits or have no business background going into the nonprofit sector it doesn't take long before you feel like you are drowning in Alphabet soup. And I'm not just talking about the acronyms that get tossed around constantly. Wouldn't it be great...
What goes into a good Mission Statement
Think of your mission statement as the elevator pitch of your non-profit. In the space of two, maybe three sentences, you need to get across: Who you are? What you do? Where you serve? How you do what you do? And most importantly, Why? Many organizations leave...
Are You Ready for Funding?
One of the most difficult parts of funding is NOT jumping in as quickly as you might think you need to. The reality is that there is a lot that goes into asking for a grant that happens way before submitting. It helps to get your boilerplate pieces...